Thomson, Illinois
April 4, 2020
Mike Walters
Staff Writer
Dear Friend,
Big pharmaceutical companies are feeding you lies and slowly killing your children.
It's shocking, but true.
The shameless scam artists at the big pharmaceutical companies are convincing you to feed your kids 'toxic soup' while they sit back and collect the blood money.
And what's worse is the very thing that is injuring, crippling, even KILLING infants and children is the very thing that is supposed to keep them safe.
If you don't think so, just try and send your child to school without injecting them with an array of vaccines first...
It won't happen, because the government requires you to roll the dice with your child's life before they even step foot in a schoolhouse!
You and your family don't have to be victimized by this vicious cycle of large companies with BILLIONS to gain trying to invade your immune system with their poisons.
Because, when you're armed with the facts about the nationwide government agenda to 'slow kill' your children by pumping them full of dangerous vaccines, it's easy to make the choice that can SAVE YOUR CHILD'S LIFE...
Which is why I want to give you a free copy of "Vaccination Nation", an urgent special report that cuts through the B.S. and sets the record straight on the dangerous vaccination program in the U. S.
But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Walters, and I'm editor-at-large of one of the leading websites in the world for practical information on living and surviving in hard times (economic and otherwise).
And I want you to have the facts you need to make the right choice for your children's health.
In this special report, you'll discover:
Here's what to do: just enter your best email address in the form below and I will send you a copy of "Vaccination Nation" absolutely free.
I want to give you this special report for free for two big reasons:
One, the information it contains could save you or your child's life.
Two, it's my way of "ethically" bribing you to sign up for my weekly email newsletter "Off The Grid News".
"Off The Grid News" has information that the mainstream media would NEVER share with you, and it contains news and resources that are critical for survival when times get tough.
Each issue has tips, tricks and analysis YOU CAN"T GET ANYWHERE ELSE... and it's delivered straight to your inbox...
I respect your privacy so I'll never rent or sell your email address, and you can cancel at any time with NO RISK!
So simply enter your name and best email address in the form below and I will send you a copy of "Vaccination Nation"
absolutely free.
To Your Health,
Mike Walters
P.S. Remember to watch out for the first issue of my weekly email newsletter "Off The Grid News".
This fiercely independent newsletter is full of specially prepared information YOU CAN'T GET ANYWHERE ELSE.
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